Key Aspect of Cleanroom Construction – Air Purification Technology

Air purification technology is a crucial aspect in cleanroom construction, playing a critical role in ensuring the performance and reliability of the cleanroom. In recent years, with the expanding range of cleanroom applications, air purification technology has become increasingly important.

To ensure that the cleanroom operates effectively, a variety of air purification technologies are utilized. These technologies include high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, ultra-low particulate air (ULPA) filters, ionization, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), and others. Each of these technologies has its unique features and advantages, and the appropriate technology is selected based on the specific requirements of the cleanroom.

HEPA filters are commonly used in cleanroom construction and are capable of removing 99.97% of airborne particles with a size of 0.3 micrometers or larger. ULPA filters, on the other hand, are even more efficient and can remove particles as small as 0.12 micrometers in size.

Ionization technology is used to neutralize and remove static charges from surfaces in the cleanroom, preventing the accumulation of airborne particles on surfaces. UVGI technology uses ultraviolet radiation to disinfect the air and surfaces in the cleanroom, killing bacteria and viruses.

In addition to selecting the appropriate air purification technology, proper installation and maintenance of these systems are essential to ensuring their effectiveness. This includes regular filter replacement and cleaning, as well as periodic testing and verification of the system’s performance.
In conclusion, air purification technology is a crucial aspect of cleanroom construction, and its effective use is essential to ensuring the reliability and performance of the cleanroom. By selecting the appropriate technology and properly installing and maintaining these systems, cleanroom operators can ensure that their facility meets the strictest cleanliness standards and supports their critical operations.

Post time: Apr-13-2023